Return of the Pep

You know that feeling when you’re staring down the barrel of another year, and you wake up and realise it’s already here?

That’s me this year.  Somehow, 2012 got away from me.

One minute I was looking ahead at a glistening oasis of holidays…

Apollo Bay Pan

The next, I’m scowling at the pile of unaccounted for receipts sitting where I left them from the year before.


Where did it all go?

Okay, so I have some photographic evidence of a holiday…

The camping trip that was downgraded (or was it upgraded?) to an apartment by the beach.

Apollo Bay Apartment

(Some dubious iPad quality photos).

Xmas lunch

A chilly Christmas with hers truly and some friends (who won’t be photographed).

Me and Ms

And that promised ‘Aunty outing’ to the zoo – my Christmas gift to the neephs.

Kids at Zoo

My photos of New Years Eve didn’t really work out.  But I can tell you as I sat with Ms, sharing sangria and tapas, that ours wasn’t the only table wildly entertained by the 9pm city fringe scene.

The group of girls, all wobble between the their too high heels and too short shorts, as they hurried for a tram.

The noble beer wielding knight, dragging his girlfriend up from the middle of the road, as they staggered to their next venue.

The pulp fiction pin up with the guy no one remembers striding by…

Then there was the crowd at the kooky bar we later frequented.  Frat boys in glittering top hats, big bottomed girls and Gangnam Style Indian boys (along with the rest of us), doing our best to groove to the most non-rhythmic and unrecognisable tunes from the eighties, nineties and now.

We all deserted it before midnight in preference for fireworks on the beach.

The highlight was returning to our hotel bar just in time for the DJ to play Dear Pepi’s favourite song – the one we threw the squeaky toy to, singing “Return of the Mack Pep”…


Now, as I stare at my pile of receipts on the thankfully sunnier side of 2013, I realise the reason for the blur.

26 December marked three months in the absence of fur!

Yes, Pepi was just a small scrap of dog.  But sometimes you don’t realise the space they take up until they’re gone.

He was the reason for some complicated work-from-home employment decisions.

He was my excuse reason for escaping social engagements and family obligations.

The reason for my choice of “pets welcome” hovel home.

If you let me, I’d probably say he was the reason I didn’t travel or achieve anything more in my life.  But seriously, how much can you pin on one small dog?

The truth is, in three months of deafening quiet since his absence, my mind has roamed anywhere except the places that it ought to be…

This is more than a New Year.  It’s the end of an era.
It’s time for change.

2013 is a year of no more excuses.  Time to quit hanging on the fringes, time to get back in the flow of life.

So, as well as blogging, I’ll be on the search for an uncomplicated job with a workplace and a break out room.  I’ll be working on a change of residence.  Maybe planning an overseas trip.  And one of these days, I’m pretty sure, I’ll get back to the gym!

Not New Year’s resolutions, as such, but definitely a new theme.  And a new direction.

Pump up the world…
watch my flow…
here I go…
(Return of the Mack Pep)…

Mark Morrison (1996)

What’s your theme this year?  If it were a song, what would it be?


    • says

      Oh, I always find music is such a great inspiration! But I’m not that good and finding or keeping track of it… This was just one of those lovely moments of synchronicity. Hope to hear the outcome of your quest 🙂

  1. says

    Good on you Alarna! “A new direction!” Way to go. Listen, I don’t know where you live in Australia, but wow is it ever gorgeous girl. Just beautiful. I like your little corner of the world. I wish you all the best in all you endeavors for this new year and onward! See you soon! 🙂

    • says

      Thank you so much, Karen! You’ve given me such a buzz today 😀 I live in Melbourne, Victoria – we are lucky to be surrounded by beautiful places. Much love and best wishes to you Karen – look forward to bumping into you 🙂

  2. says

    I wish you an exciting new year… sounds as though there’s going to be lots of adventure and excitement to keep you on your toes…
    I’ll so look forward to seeing where your new theme takes you, love Valerie

  3. says

    I like the idea of a new ‘theme’ for the year. I’ll have to think about that one, but I’m a sucker for themes, so maybe this will refresh my recycled resolutions. 🙂

    Wishing you success as you take on 2013!

    • says

      I can’t tell you what it means to me to be part of your Sisterhood! Thanks so much Sumithra! A very happy new year to you – and I wish you many more travels to all the remote parts of the world 🙂

  4. says

    Brave wayfarer of the wilds, may your feet find the direction of your heart’s choice to travel, on a breeze where ever it may carry you, out across the ways of the many lands and oceans. Plan little, travel much, live of the way.
    Apollo Bay, have ever gone ‘The Great Ocean Walk’?
    Cheers for 2013!

    • says

      Oh, so poetic that is, Sean! How lovely… You are so right… ‘plan little, travel much’. That’s exactly what I need 🙂

      The Great Ocean Walk is beckoning me to take it, but no, I haven’t ventured yet. I need to work on my fitness levels!

  5. lynnkelleyauthor says

    Happy New Year to my cyber daughter. Looks like 2013 is going to be an adventurous year for you. I hope it’s filled with tons of awesomeness. I’m looking forward to reading more of Pepi’s series. Sounds like a wild New Year’s Eve, and what a wonderful trip to the zoo! Your photos rock, Alarna. Take care.

    • says

      Oh, Cyber Mum! I’ve barely crossed paths with you yet… But I hope you’re having a great recharge. Thank you so much for the wishes – the next Pepi books are in progress, so will keep you posted!

      Also, I noticed you are putting up a WordPress page? Let me know if you need a hand with anything!

      Love and *hugs*

  6. says

    I wish I had read this earlier. So inspiring! You make me feel young and lithe and full of good stuff. You took me somewhere. You’re a storyteller. And I hope we both find good jobs.


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